Deus Caritas Est

“So we know and believe the love God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” – 1 John 4:16

Latest Articles

How to See God in a Seemingly Godless World: Easter Reflections

As the Church celebrates the Resurrection of Our Lord and the end of the Lenten season, we find ourselves walking with the risen Christ to Emmaus each year and receiving[…]

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Evil Men Are Closer to God Than We Think: Reflections on Divine Mercy

Two-thousand years removed from the death of Our Lord on Calvary, it is befitting to refresh our familiarity with the Passion narratives to see how Christ has chosen to extend,[…]

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A Catholic Defense of ‘The Chosen’ Amid Pride Flag Controversy

Controversy is no stranger to anyone who bears the Cross of Christ. It is par the course for the human experience. It is only a question of when, not if,[…]

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About Us

Founded December 8, 2022, Catholic Hangout is an online media platform geared towards bringing Christ into the digital age. Through His Mystical Body, Christ reaches out to us through modern day Saints to gather his flock and dwell among us. In a generation that longs to see the face of God, Catholic Hangout seeks to highlight the lives, prayers, and reflections of these Saints to inspire holiness and lead all souls to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.